
2012 was a really good year– a full year– and a year that made us realize how much we’ve grown (and grown up) since we started working together.  PearlDamour did our first project together in 1996, which makes the relationship we’ve had with each other longer than most others in our lives– including husbands/partners!  So, as we embark on our (whoa) 17th year of collaboration, here are some resolutions:  1) get FOREST back to New Orleans! We almost had our NOLA premiere this past June at the Ogden Museum, but were temporarily foiled by the historic nature of the museum’s beautiful library space and some late-breaking technical challenges.  One of our clearest signs we’ve gotten older?  Rather than pushing through to an opening that would be frantic, exhausting, and a bit half-assed, we decided to take a step back, assess our needs, and return to the project when there was time to really do the job right. It was a hard decision but it was the right one.  2) “MAKE” MORE! Those of you have theater companies know this– it’s easy to spend too much energy on admin and business stuff and t0o little energy in a room having fun making stuff. Which is the reason we’re doing this in the first place!  Duh.  3)Raise money for MILTON. After FOREST, we fully intended to make a small scale project.  Instead, we’ve ended up with what is turning into our biggest budget and most complex technical piece yet (how did that happen??). We have such a great team in place, and plan to spend big chunks of 2013 moving this MILTON mountain forward.  We’re especially looking forward to the trips to all our Miltons, and to the day that Jim Findlay starts filming the skies above them.  4) Get back to facebook.  We love being in touch with you, and you love it when we are… so we resolve to DO THAT MORE OFTEN.  And also we resolve to figure out this twitter thing.  I mean, it’s not hard. 5) Percolate a new project…  we think we’re starting that TOMORROW, when we sit down to dinner with our old favorite friend and musical genius Sxip.  SO… all in all, we think it’s a pretty great set of resolutions.  Thanks for sharing 2012 with us… we look forward to keeping you posted in 2013.